Friday, June 21, 2013

Sweet Watermelon Rain!

Sweet and delicious, watermelon rain down on me ! Photo by:

Oh watermelon. Tasty. Sweet. Juicy. Crisp summer heaven. I mean who doesn't like watermelon? It's the perefct light summertime treat and the best part, you can eat as much as you want! A cup of watermelon only has 45 calories!

Sweet watermelon rain. Watermelon, true to its name, has 92% water content and is among the top foods to eat for replenishing the body (which we know is made up of over 70% water itself!)
At 20% of my daily Vitamin C intake, I think we can all afford to get some! Photo by:
Watermelon requires minimal prep for a worthwhile treat, can be eaten by kids, adults and elderly alike as it's juicy nature make it very easy for all to enjoy.

So here's the skivvy on watermelon...if you have a juicer it's 100,000% worthwhile to juice it! Now I know what you're thinking..."why would I juice a watermelon when I could just eat it??" I feel you, HOWEVER we all know your body can absorb and digest liquids lightyears faster than why not?
Does it taste as good, light and refreshing as it looks? Yup, it sure does! And the froth happens naturally.
Photo by:
And trust me, you will soon begin to crave fresh watermelon juice. It's all the rave! Be warned however...fresh watermelon juice may cause you to abandon your sugary summer sweet tea or lemonade...just sayin'. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Love watermelon? Yes I do-ooo.
 Photo by: (cool blog, show them some love while you're at it!)
Now while we're all enjoying our sweet crisp watermelon deserts might as well know why it's good for us, right? Well, let me just tell you now, watermelon is just what you need for strong bones, fat zapping, supple skin, good eyesight, healthy pregnancies, heathy heart, and can potentially reverse erectile dysfunction in men. *In case your wondering from 3-6 cups of watermelon juice daily for at least 3 weeks is recommended to see a 12-22% increase in arginine levels*
Seriously want to jump in this picture right now! YUMMO! Photo by:
Watermelon has an unusually high level of lycopene (more than it's cousin fruits tomatoes, grapefruits and guava). Lycopene is a carotenoid phytonutrient which is especially important for cardiovascular and bone health AND an antioxidant! Lycopene is also a well documented inhibitor of inflammatory activity! Watermelon contains Citrulline, an amino acid which converts into arginine. Arginine is a substance that improves blood flow and may help prevent excess fat accumulation in the cells.
See how red-ripe these are on the inside? A good indicator is the underbelly of the melon. Look for a more yellowish color as opposed to white-ish color, which tends towards a more ripe melon inside. Photo by:
Watermelon is full of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Magnesium (something most women especially are often low in), and Potassium! Watermelons are Even the seeds are good for you! Watermelon seeds provide us with small amounts of zinc, protein and iron too! Watermelon seeds can also be roasted or ground up into cereal to make bread! Ever been warned not to eat too close to the rind? Studies now show there are vital nutrients to get from there too! FYI you can actually eat the WHOLE WATERMELON! Who knew!?


TIP: Once you cut your watermelon it is best to enjoy within 2-7 days (max) for optimal nutrition and taste.
Yeah! That's a watermelon. Funky skills huh? Photo by:
So there you have it my loves. All the secrets to these wonderful watermelon things. As a transitioning raw vegan I LOVE LOVE foods that require little to no maintenance...are easy to eat and require no cooking! Summer is here! Stay light and eat fresh!


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