Thursday, June 13, 2013

ORANGE you so sweet!?

What a beautiful ORANGE sunrise! Couldn't you just take a bite out of that sun? :-) Photo by:

Do you know that knock knock joke? Oh my gosh. It's like literally my favorite joke of all time. If I was ever trying to be cool and corny sense of humor is a dead give away!

Ah well. I'm cool with that. :-)

Fresh pressed orange juice! Yummo! Photo by:

So I don't know anyone who doesn't like oranges. I myself enjoy a fresh pressed orange juice with my cheapo beginner juicer (gifted my a great friend and accomplice) and I must say...once you've had "fresh pressed" orange's REALLY HARD TO GO BACK.

Easy snack for grown-ups and kids alike! Photo by:

We all know and love oranges and they are just one of the many lovely citrus fruits one can enjoy.

Let's look at some of the benefits here:

Now, when it comes to food combining we must be vewy vewy careful to do it right, otherwise you may end up with a tummy ache.

Simple fruit combining chart. Bookmark! Very useful for understanding why kids get so many tummy aches. Photo by: (check out this website for good tips!)

Oranges are high in acidity and therefore should only be combined with other citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, kiwi, lime, pineapple, pomegranate, strawberry, tomato...) OR with sub-acidic fruits like grapes, apple, apricot, berries, cherries, pears, mango, nectarine, peach, or plums). Whew! That's a lovely long list of options. :-)

Long list of yummy fruits! Tasty for the eating! Photo by: (good blog about benefits of citrus fruits - show them some love!)

Oranges are very high in Vitamin C, Fiber and Folate, Herperidin (which means strong anti-inflammatory and is found in the white pith of the skin), and Cryptoxanthin (which is a Carotenoid). They also help to decrease risk for calcium oxalate stones (kidney stones), lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, and are very low in calories. One medium size orange is about 60 calories!

Photo by:

A fun trick: Save your orange peels, they can double as natural potpourri! Let them dry out and place in the bathroom, kitchen or living room.

As a transitioning raw vegan I LOVE LOVE foods that require no packaging, no fuss (except a maybe some wet wipes) and are healthy and delicious! Try adding some fresh oranges or orange juice to your diet today!

Love. Live. Well.


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