Monday, June 10, 2013

Detoxing...the smart way!

Talk about someone who would eat anything...and I mean anything. Losing weight was the toughest! Until I learned these easy tricks...Photo by:
So the title is a bit catchy and by no means an absolute...HOWEVER...due to the volume of questions I have received about my detoxification process this year I will start a short series detailing my goals, initiatives and findings and HOW I LOST 20 POUNDS IN 3 MONTHS safely and securely.

Vegan lunches! Photo by:

So...first thing's first you should know that I am a transitioning raw vegan. I was not born this way and have been on this journey for quite sometime. More recently, say within the last few years, I have been feeling an even stronger pull away from mainstream lifestyle habits and a calling towards rediscovering who I am and what defines choices included.

A typical look into my cart any given autumn. Photo by:

I desire to live long and to live well and thus I embarked on a journey to find what exactly that means to me. In this series I hope to share with you what I have learned in the process of un-doing years of behaviors and habits and the freedom we all have to make choices for our lives.

I have no intentions of "converting" you to choose my lifestyle but simply hope to share and present my personal findings to encourage or inspire others.
Thank you for joining me on this journey!



  1. Are you personally trying to lose 20 lbs. in the next 90 days? if so, why?

    1. Hi JAMBELLICAR! Thank you for visiting the blog and for posting your question. :-)
      My hope with this post was to delicately alert the public to some of the long range benefits of detoxing and fasting. To answer your question: No, I did not plan on losing 20 lbs. It actually was one of the surprising changes that took place when I embarked on a detoxing regimen earlier this year. I hope to start a series of posts about the importance of detoxing while on your personal journey to wealth through health.


Hi! Please share your thoughts! Thanks ~