Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Big Red Juicy Grapefruit!

Photo by:

Man oh man have I been on a grapefruit kick these days! I don't know if it's because I've been traveling quite a bit or because I recently was able to pick my very own grapefruits off the tree...(yes you heard me right)..or what. But me and grapefruits, see? We've become the best of buds.

Grapfruits grow on trees just like lemons, oranges, pomelos and limes do!! Photo by: 

What I like about the grapefruit eating, is that you have an entire experience when you eat one...well at least I do. Since I was a little girl, my grandmother made picking and eating grapefruits such a fun and entertaining moment. We would go and she let me pick each one out, we filled the bags high with the tangy citrus fruits and at home grapefruits were one of the items I was allowed to eat as much of as I long as I "disciplined" myself. Sheesh, what an 8-yr old kid knows about discipline I'll never know...but it sure kept me regular eating all those grapefruits. Certainly better than KitKats I imagine.

Empty grapefruits bowls! Tasty! YUM! Photo by:

Well now that time has turned and it's me that's bringing my grandmother grapefruits off the tree, I have learned there were actually quite a few large benefits to eating them all along. Here are some of them:

1) Immune system booster
2) Anti-inflammatory properties
3) Good for those with asthma or arthritis
4) Great plaque remover, good for cardiovascular health

Look its a little sunshine! Aww! Photo by:
5) Decrease chances of stroke, heart disease and cancer
6) Good for a man's prostrate due to Lycopene content (NOTE: this is found in pink and red varieties ONLY - not the white ones)
7) Lowers cholesterol

Fresh slice grapefruits! Ooooh! Me want some!!! Photo by: 
8) Helps break down kidney or gallbladder stones
9) Can help prevent weight gain by regulating insulin levels
10) Fights CANCER!!

You can even sprout the grapefruits seeds TOO!!! Wow! GIve it a try! Photo by:
What I've also found as a transitioning raw vegan (my diet consists of a 70-15-15 and about 80% of that being raw eating) is that I need to gain my nutrients and vitamins in essential places. Grapefruits provide a healthy balance of Vitamin C, almost 60% of our daily recommended dose as well a loads of Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is great for maintaining brain function, keeping your eyesight keen, allowing for reproduction of the cells and therefore keeping your skin bright and tight :-). We need Vitamin A in a host of situations throughout our bodies and GRAPEFRUITS provide a significant amount per dose, equivalent to about 40% of our daily recommended dose.
Grapefruit Juice, perfect for those early mornings! Photo by: 

The Latin name for grapefruit is citrus paradisi and I guarantee you that's what I feel every time I eat one of these little sweets. Better than a candy bar or cup of hot chocolate any day, grapefruits provide a slight tart and tanginess that rivals their cousin oranges and is a great refresher and morning system wake-me-upper!
Simple greens salad with grapefruit and avocado! Easy does it! Photo by:

The acidity of the grapefruits help to aid in digestion and therefore I believe grapefruits are best eaten (or juiced and drank) in the morning. Similar to our other early morning risers like: lemons, limes, tomatos, oranges, and tangerines, grapefruit juice in the morning is a great way to get the body flowing and the proper functions going.

Avocado and grapefruit salad. Simple food combining...raw fats with citrus fruits is a-okay! Photo by: 

Some of the other elements that grapefruits activate in our bodies are pantothenic acid, biotin copper, potassium, vitamin b1 and even FIBER! Have you ever had to use the restroom after eating a grapefruit or drinking its juice? Well the elements in our grapefruit juice helps to keep us regular!~ Maybe granny had it right all along!

So add some grapefruit eating to your repertoire today! Your whole body will thank you for it!

Happy grapefruit snuggles!!

Live. Love. Well.


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WHOA! Happy New Year to all you fancy folks out there living the dream and creating the reality you desire for yourself in this new year of abundance 2014!!!

I just want to thank all our supporters, raw-fooders and friends and family for checking out the blog, subscribing, signing up for one-on-one consultations, joining our 21-day reset challenge, adding us on Facebook, attending our weekly conference calls and sharing our photos and recipes with others!!!
There's no way we can spread the light and love of healthy living without YOUR HELP! So for YOU we are ever grateful!

Thank you! THANK you! Thank YOU!!!!

Also, we are happy to announce you can now follow us on Instagram...whoot whoot!



Happy DAY!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fuzzy Wuzzy Kiwi Lovlies!

Kiwifruti all day! Photo by:
Mmm, yum. Tell me who doesn't love a petite tart kiwi lovely? They travel easy in your pockets, can be snacked on the go, and they pack a delicious tart punch! Kiwis are used in fruit salads, green smoothies, eaten fresh as tasty RAW snackies, and are even used for medicinal purposes. For a new twist on a fruit that packs a high volume of fiber and Vitamin C in one golf ball - sized treat, look no further than to the fuzzy wuzzy kiwi lovely!

It's kiwi time! Photo by:
Known in tropical regions as the kiwifruit, these little suckers pack in MORE Vitamin C than your average orange AND contain about 8% daily intake of fiber, plus a bit of potassium. So what does that mean? It will likely only cost you three inches of pocket space and 4 ounces weight to carry one of these tiny vitamin rich snacks with you...well worth the haul if I do say so myself.

Oh I love me so kiwifruits! You should too! Photo 
We all know well that diets HIGH IN FIBER help to combat diabetes, colon issues and heart health because they keep the mucus, plaque and cholesterol (which are actually each just different forms of the same thing: mucus) from clumping together and causing problems. Adding kiwis to your daily diet regimen is a fun albeit tantalizing way to increase your daily fiber intake and have fun while doing it! Who says being healthy has to be dreary and boring! Not I!

Fun tips for adding kiwifruit to your life: 
Create a tropical fruit salad!

Fresh Kiwifruit popsicles! Seriously!?! Photo by:
Banana Kiwi Breakfast Toast! 
Slice them up and add to your favorite chia pudding!

Tropical Kiwi Chia Pudding! Try it today So easy to make! Photo by:
Freeze them in slices and float them in your lemonade! Yum!
Make Kiwi Sorbet
Create kiwi art ...then eat your masterpiece!

Cored cantaloupe with kiwi, strawberry inside. Tasty! Photo by:
Keeping our diets high in fiber will help to combat the onset of high blood pressure, aid in sound and stable cardiovascular health, regulate our blood sugar, reduce the chance for heart disease and heart attack by keeping our cholesterol in check and keep our colons clean, happy and free of excess waste! All that awesomeness in just a teeny weeny kiwi...? Yup!

Kiwis on a tree! How cool! Photo by:
Who are kiwis good for? Well, everyone of course! BUT especially diabetics, small children, those with asthma conditions, mid-aged people, and anyone at risk for degenerative heart conditions or respiratory health problems. Kiwifruit helps diabetics regulate their blood sugar, small children kick up an extra dose of Vitamin C to protect their immune system and aid in brain development, they help those with asthma by demonstrating antioxidant activity and keeping the roadways free of mucus.

Don't' they just look like little sweet sunshines :-D
Kiwis may naturally lower blood pressure...Article here.
 Photo by:
Kiwifruit also is essential for the middle-agers in maintaining keen eyesight as the Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals that can cause cell damage. 
At only 45 calories per little guy you seriously can't go wrong!

Mango Kiwi Salsa! Recipe here:
Add them to your daily greens salad! 
Mash them up with pineapple and and orange to make a smashing chutney!

Kiwis, baby tomatoes, evoo, lemon and chopped parsley. Easy goodness! Photo by:
Use them to creatively decorate fruit tarts
Blend them with cantaloupe to make a tasty chilled soup!
Make Kiwifruit Popsicles
And you know the way we like it RAW!

Kiwi delights! Yum!
Be sure to go for organic kiwifruits wherever you can! The stuff they spray on fruits and veggies nowadays is dreadfully harmful.
Did you know, you can even eat the skin!?! 
Call me crazy but when it's that good you don't want to waste a bite! :-) 

Kiwifruit smoothie with almond milk, banana and spinach. Whew yeah! Photo by: 
Here's the thing, eating just a few kiwifruits daily can significantly lower the amount of triglycerides (fats in the blood) in your body and  thereby decrease your risk for blood clots, inflammation and intestinal bleeding and protect your cardiovascular health!

Kiwi, lime, know what's up.
Let's all do our digestive tract a favor and add some teeny weeny kiwi lovelies to our grocery carts today! Your taste buds will thank you later. :-D

Mango Kiwi Quinoa Tomato Salad with fresh parsley! Taste the goodness! Hold the feta. Photo by:
How to eat a kiwi raw:
1) Cut in half and scoop out the bright green flesh with a spoon. Devour on contact. 
2) Slice with a pairing knife and enjoy on salads or in deserts. 
3) Slice with skin on and gobble down. Enjoy an extra dose of fiber!

P.S. Kiwis should be eaten shortly after cutting (like most fruits) as they contain enzymes that act as a "tenderizer" and make the fruit start to soften.

Blackberry Kiwi Pear Pineapple Mint Coconut Water Smoothie! Ahhhh...Photo by:

So there we have it. As a transitioning raw vegan I LOVE foods that require minimal to no prep, taste great and provide my body with natural vitamins it needs to keep on keepin' on! I hope you have been inspired to add some kiwifruits to your diet today! Bless!

Live. Love. Well.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You+Me= A perfect PEAR

Pears are lovely. Crunchy, juicy, snuggly and tasty. They freeze well, shred well, blend well and travel in your purse well and can be made into all kinds of fashionable snacks and appetizers. They are eaten largely by dairy and meat-eaters alike with things like ham, cheese, on tiny crackers and slivered onto fantastic vegan salads. Pears are smothered in butter and cinnamon, sauteed in frying pans and baked with holiday roasts. They are mashed into purees for tiny baby eating, given to college students as snacks on plane rides and picked fresh off trees in pear tree states.

What's not to like about a pear?

RAW PEARS! Crunchy and scrumptious! YES! Photo by:

While they are often eaten softly boiled and skinned, RAW PEARS make for a delicious and nutritious treat anytime of day! Reasons why we should all be slamming on some raw pears right now: Ahem...Number 1 - Pears can be paired with just about anything!

Pears in all their colorful glory! Photo

When it comes to whole foods eating (or proper food-combining as some call it) pears are best eaten with other sub-acidic fruits but can also be combined with acid fruits as well. What are sub-acid and acid fruits, you ask? Check the list below!

Fruits for food-combing:

Sub-Acidic: Peach, Pear, Plum, Raspberry, Grape, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cherry, Lychee, Mango, Apple, Loquat, Nectarine, Apricot or Cherimoya. Or Acid fruits like: Cranberry, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Kumquat, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Strawberry, Tangerine, or Tomato. 

Pears are among the most easily digested foods and are usually okay to eat even for those on low-allergy diet plans. This is often why they recommend pears as one of the first solid foods to introduce to a baby's diet. 

Reason #2 - Pears are easy to eat. Back in the early days of yonder I believe humans ate whole fruits and vegetables. That's what so curious about this shift back to whole foods eating. It's in our nature. Before the days of TV dinners and microwaves...we ate RAW WHOLE FOODS.

So how does whole foods eating apply when it comes to pears? means that you can eat the WHOLE THING. Yup. That's right, everything but the stem just about, I will gobble down (seeds too!). Now that's just me, doesn't have to be you...all I'm saying is that pears actually require no utensils, no prep, no fuss. Just yummy, easy, juicy deliciousness.

Pears for everyone! Photo by: 

As a matter of fact, studies show that eating pear skin is actually MORE HEALTHY than eating pear flesh! It's not too often that we are recommended to eat the skin of our fruits and vegetables, however, especially when it comes to pears, we may want to think twice before skinning. This is because the skin holds between 3-4 times MORE of what's called phenolic phytonutrients than the pear flesh. These phenolic phytonutrients are where we get our anti-inflammatory flavonoids, antioxidants and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients (like cinnamic acids) from!

Here's another fact to blow you over...Pears can help increase insulin sensitivity, therefore they can help decrease the risk of Type 2 diabetes in men and women! Whoa! Check me out! This is due to certain flavonoids found in the pear skin (flavonols, flavan-3-ols, and anthocyanins to be specific) and among all fruits and vegetables analyzed for their flavonoid content...the apples and PEARS combination is among the most consistent in their ability to decrease our risk for Type 2 diabetes.

RAW Sliced Pears with little bit of cinnamon, lemon juice and raisins to top! Sweet and satisfying.
Photo by:

The intake of pears has been associated with a decreased risk of many chronic inflammatory dis-eases which include heart dis-ease and Type 2 diabetes, which are a results of excessive oxidative stress in the body. Pears are great because they even decrease the risk of all kinds of cancer! The fiber in the pears binds together with the secondary bile in the digestive track (excess amounts of secondary bile can cause a whole host of intestinal problems), decreases the amount of acid concentration and keeps things moving along regular.

Pears have been noted to decrease the risk of gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, and esophageal cancer. 
Fresh Vanilla Pear Juice with ice cubes (I'll take it sans vodka), hehe. Photo by:
Not fond of the texture? PEAR JUICE is a great, simple way to include pears in your diet (and those of your kids)! No excuse! :-) Just be sure to get (or make) your pear juice with pulp, non-pasteurized and organic where possible. (When the pulp is removed the antioxidant benefits drops about 40%)

Reason #3 - Pears have lots of fiber! Vitamin C and Vitamin K. For those who are not so keen on Metamucil and other strange and nebulous fiber drink powders...pears provide about 22% of our daily fiber intake. Pears are an easy way to increase your fiber intake.
NOTE: About half of the fiber found in pears is in the skin, so to get the optimal fiber intake, include those skins in your consumption!

SO many pears to pair with! Photo by:

There are over 3000 varieties of pears enjoyed world-wide. China produces approximately three-quarters of the pears consumed world-wide, roughly 15.5 million of the 21 million tons eaten. In the US Washington is the largest pear-producing state with California and Oregon to follow.
Slice em', Dice em', Crunch em', Munch em'! Photo by:

Pear-eating Ideas: 

Pear Cranberry Spinach Walnut Salad
Honey Roasted Pear Salad 
Apple Pear Salad 
Iced Pear Protein Smoothie (note* I suggest to use green superfoods powder instead of whey)

Pear and Arugala Salad. Spectacular! Photo by:

Tips on selecting pears: 

When buying pears, you want to check the "neck." If it is firm but gives a little the pear is ripe, if it is squishy that pear is likely over-ripe and should probably be best used for baking or making pear-sauce. The skin should be smooth and free of bruises, however speckles and spots are welcomed as this indicates a more intense flavored pear. After picking a perfect ripe one, keep in the fridge up to 2-3 days for best results.
Speckles welcome! Photo by:
If your pears are hard, place them in a brown paper bag to induce ripening, but no plastic bags! Pears need oxygen so paper is best. Also, note that they tend to absorb whatever is around them, so keep them away from strong smelling foods while storing.

Honey Roasted Pear Salad with spinach, cranberries, red onion and chopped hazelnuts. Ooooh... Photo by: time you're out grab a few pears for your basket! You will be pleasantly pleased that you did. :-)

Su-pear! Du-pear!

Live. Love. Well. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Raspberries on my mind...

Yummy in my tummy! Photo by:

Tart. Tangy. Melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Pickable. Snack-attackable. Just plain fun! Raspberries are a jewel to beholden. They grow on wild bushes...They can be eaten RAW, added to smoothies for a nice zest, mixed with lemon juice and other berries for a beautiful summer berry salad, they are easy to eat, easy to transport, they freeze fantastically and are a great snack for kids and adults alike!

It's hard not to like a raspberry. You can even grow them in your garden at home!
See there? Easy little ice cubes! Who knew? Photo by: 
Did you know? ...Raspberries make great "ice cubes" for summer time drinks? We like to freeze our raspberries, blueberries and even sliced peaches and pineapples, then drop them into a glass and fill with lemonade, orange juice, coconut water or whatever summer drink suites your fancy. They keep the drink cold AND give a little flavor while adding a fun edible treat to any thirst quencher! Try it today! Everyone will love it!
Delicious raspberry, acai, kiwi smoothie! Yum! Photo by: 
Raspberries are such little yum yums! Use them for making a delicious sugar-free jam, add to cereals and morning-time oatmeal or quinoa eating, use to garnish a delectable dinner salad for a slight light sweetness, eat with strawberries, blueberries and blackberries for a BERRY-LICIOUS snack! Blend them up with coconut water, fresh mint and crushed ice for a simple summer-time smoothie! Oh the possibilities are endless!
Raspberry bushes at home! Photo by: 
While I munch away on my bowl o' raspberries I find it necessary to tell YOU, as a transitioning RAW VEGAN, why I just love eating them so much (and how you can too!).
Spinach salad with raspberry, avocado...oooh! Photo by:
Let me put it to you this way, if you are struggling with finding balance in your weight...RASPBERRIES ARE THE ANSWER. New studies have shown how the phytonutrients found in raspberries (specifically raspberry ketone, also known as rheosim) play a major role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress (two main factors that attribute to cancer growth)!
Raspberry smoothie! Oh the possibilities! Photo by:
By chasing down free radical molecules, increasing metabolism, oxygen consumption, and regulating enzyme activity that could trigger unwanted inflammation the phytonutrients in raspberries can help lower our risk for chronic diseases such as: obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Truth be told, the phytonutrients found in raspberries are unprecedented in diversity and potency; raspberries boast over 22 phytonutrients!
Peach, basil, Raspberry salad. Light, Summer,easy! Try it! Photo by:
RASPBERRIES ARE: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory. All that packed into such a tiny little PUNCH! You know you wanna eat some...tonight! 1 cup of raspberries = 63 CALORIES! That's it! 

If you didn't know, now you know! Photo by:
What else do we get when we eat raspberries you ask? 50% of our daily Vitamin C intake, 40% of our Manganese intake, 30% of our Fiber intake (and we all could use a little more fiber in the diet), Vitamin K, Magnesium, and guess what else...even Omega-3 fats! Some Copper, Vitamin E and even Potassium as well!

And let me just tell you something else while were talking...If you're a woman and you ever get cramps...start taking some Raspberry Leaf will change your life. I usually recommend taking them at least 2 weeks prior to the arrival of you-know-what:Take 2 capsules, 2x daily. The addition of ginger capsules (take 2 capsules, 2x/day) will also make your life so much easier. Trust me. ;-)
Eat some berries today! Toast with peanutbutter and banana, sliced strawberries and watermelon, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, almond milk smoothie. Photo by:
As a transitioning raw vegan simple, tasty, easy-to-digest natural meals is what it's all about...and raspberries provide that in so many ways! It's summer and high time to add some raspberries to your diet regimen today! Easy smoothie recipes, salad recipes, tea/drink recipes, jams and more are available here for you!

Pucker up!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Peachy know what I mean.

Aren't they such majestic beauties! Photo by: 
Smooches! Love, Peaches.

Delish! Peaches engage many of the senses and make for a wondrous treat ANY time of the day. They are easy to travel with, can be sliced, juiced, mashed or munched, have a soft, supple skin and delicate juicy-ness that even young babes can appreciate. Peaches rarely leave you unsatisfied and yet somehow begging for more. They make a bit of a mess, not too much; just enough to let your sweet sticky fingers gently remind you they were there.
Heart-healthy, skin-smoothing sweet, sticky snack! Photo by: 
Peaches have a beautiful coloring ranging from light yellow to deep rouge and range similarly in taste according to the ripeness. They are best eaten when the darker swirling colors are present (the mixture of red and orange and yellow).
Sliced peaches perfect for a tantalizing mid-day snack! Photo by:
Filled to the brim with Vitamin A, Potassium, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, Niacin, and so much more, peaches can be enjoyed year-round and are very easy to can or freeze. They make great companions in smoothies, teas, juice recipes, on salads, in homemade popsicles and even make a delightful summer soup. (If you haven't had peach soup throw you inhibitions to the wind! You will surely be rewarded. I certainly was.)
Tasty, Peachy, Juicy! Photo by: 
Tried peach juice yet? No? Do it. A frothy full-bodied juice that is as refreshing and light as summer salad and a soft kiss, it will leave you wanting just a bit more. And why not? At only 46 calories per peach you can be certain this is a "Weight Watchers" approved treat we can all indulge in!
Peaches come in all sizes, shapes and colors! Just like you and me! Photo by:
Let's talk about some of the health benefits! Peach juice can act as a natural laxative to help flush toxins out of the kidneys and bladder to help prevent kidney stones! Peaches are a great source of water and fiber and allow you to get fantastic nutrients, feel "full" longer all with a wonderfully succulent taste and aroma.
Peach Tea Smoothie! Oh my Gawd! Yes. Photo by: 
Got a bad cough? Have a peach. Peaches are known for their ability to soothe a dry cough, you can even make the juice into a warm soothing tea. Those with rheumatic pains and abdominal colic are also recommended to incorporate peaches into their diets.
Healthy food-combining approved meal: Peaches and Raspberries! Yummo! Photo by:
Peaches help ease digestion and inflammation. They protect nerve cells and if eaten early in the morning can help regulate intestinal infections and maintain alkalinization of the blood due to their low acidity. Regular consumption of peaches can help prevent the onset of many types of cancers and aid in weight loss. Peaches are good for the skin to help regenerate tissue cells; you can even rub peach juice into your skin for that soft peachy glow!
Happy to be here sliced and cored peachy keens! Photo by:
Peaches are rich in iron, so very good for those with anemia. Peaches can help treat high blood pressure and facilitate cardiac health due to the potassium found in them. Peaches are helpful in lowering cholesterol in blood and preventing cardiac diseases.
Peachy Mint Puree, perfect for your tiny sweet someone somewhere.
Photo by:
Peaches contain Vitamin A,  B1, and B2 which help to strengthen the immune system, balance the nervous system and maintain magnesium levels in the body. Peaches are HIGH IN ENERGY and are great for pregnant women and those wishing to regulate their weight!
Fresh Home-canned Peaches! Makes for easy livin'! Photo by:
So what do we know about peaches? Peaches even have their own color...Peach. How many other fruits can top that? To follow the suggestions of food combining for maximum digestion...peaches are best eaten with other like fruits: apricots, plums, nectarines, mango, pear, apple, cherries, grapes and other berries.
Fresh, tasty and nutritious! Go get some today! Photo by:
With health benefits for the whole family, peaches certainly fit the bill when it comes to SIMPLE EATING. That's the motto around here. So many reasons to eat so many peaches!
Moral of the story? Try adding peaches to your diet today! Your whole body will thank you for it!

Live. Love. Well.