Tart. Tangy. Melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Pickable. Snack-attackable. Just plain fun! Raspberries are a jewel to beholden. They grow on wild bushes...They can be eaten RAW, added to smoothies for a nice zest, mixed with lemon juice and other berries for a beautiful summer berry salad, they are easy to eat, easy to transport, they freeze fantastically and are a great snack for kids and adults alike!
It's hard not to like a raspberry. You can even grow them in your garden at home!
Did you know? ...Raspberries make great "ice cubes" for summer time drinks? We like to freeze our raspberries, blueberries and even sliced peaches and pineapples, then drop them into a glass and fill with lemonade, orange juice, coconut water or whatever summer drink suites your fancy. They keep the drink cold AND give a little flavor while adding a fun edible treat to any thirst quencher! Try it today! Everyone will love it!
Raspberries are such little yum yums! Use them for making a delicious sugar-free jam, add to cereals and morning-time oatmeal or quinoa eating, use to garnish a delectable dinner salad for a slight light sweetness, eat with strawberries, blueberries and blackberries for a BERRY-LICIOUS snack! Blend them up with coconut water, fresh mint and crushed ice for a simple summer-time smoothie! Oh the possibilities are endless!
While I munch away on my bowl o' raspberries I find it necessary to tell YOU, as a transitioning RAW VEGAN, why I just love eating them so much (and how you can too!).
Let me put it to you this way, if you are struggling with finding
balance in your weight...
RASPBERRIES ARE THE ANSWER. New studies have shown how the phytonutrients found in raspberries (specifically raspberry ketone, also known as rheosim) play a major role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress (two main factors that attribute to cancer growth)!
By chasing down free radical molecules, increasing metabolism, oxygen consumption, and regulating enzyme activity that could trigger unwanted inflammation the phytonutrients in raspberries can help lower our risk for chronic diseases such as:
obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Truth be told, the phytonutrients found in raspberries are unprecedented in diversity and potency; raspberries boast over 22 phytonutrients!
Peach, basil, Raspberry salad. Light, Summer,easy! Try it! Photo by: foodwinethyme.com |
RASPBERRIES ARE: anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory. All that packed into such a tiny little PUNCH! You know you wanna eat some...tonight! 1 cup of raspberries = 63 CALORIES! That's it!
What else do we get when we eat raspberries you ask? 50% of our daily Vitamin C intake, 40% of our Manganese intake, 30% of our Fiber intake (and we all could use a little more fiber in the diet), Vitamin K, Magnesium, and guess what else...even Omega-3 fats! Some Copper, Vitamin E and even Potassium as well!
And let me just tell you something else while were talking...If you're a woman and you ever get cramps...start taking some Raspberry Leaf capsules...it will change your life. I usually recommend taking them at least 2 weeks prior to the arrival of you-know-what:Take 2 capsules, 2x daily. The addition of ginger capsules (take 2 capsules, 2x/day) will also make your life so much easier. Trust me. ;-)
Eat some berries today! Toast with peanutbutter and banana, sliced strawberries and watermelon, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, blueberry, almond milk smoothie. Photo by: veggieomnom.tumblr.com |
As a transitioning raw vegan simple, tasty, easy-to-digest natural meals is what it's all about...and raspberries provide that in so many ways! It's summer and high time to add some raspberries to your diet regimen today! Easy
smoothie recipes, salad recipes, tea/drink recipes,
jams and more are available here for you!
Pucker up!